United States Ranks Fifth Most Popular Spam Originator Worldwide, According To New Research From PandaLabsUnited States Ranks Fifth Most Popular Spam Originator Worldwide, According To New Research From PandaLabs

Results based on analysis of nearly five million spam messages generated in January and February 2010

March 24, 2010

3 Min Read


ORLANDO, Fla., March 24 /PRNewswire/ -- PandaLabs, Panda Security's malware analysis and detection laboratory, announced today that the United States is currently the fifth most popular spam originator worldwide, with 5.5 percent of spam being sent globally from US IP addresses. Brazil, India, Vietnam and Korea are also among the top five countries from which most spam was sent during the first two months of 2010, according to the study. The five million emails analyzed by PandaLabs came from nearly one million different IP addresses, meaning that on average, each address was responsible for five spam messages.

The spam messages themselves are used primarily to distribute malware or sell illicit products, such as videos or photos of Brazilian girls. The ranking for January and February 2010 is as follows:

Country % Spam % IPs ------- ------ ----- BRAZIL 13.76 8.60 ------ ----- ---- INDIA 10.98 8.60 ----- ----- ---- KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 6.32 4.00 ------------------ ---- ---- VIETNAM 5.71 6.01 ------- ---- ---- UNITED STATES 5.46 7.17 ------------- ---- ---- RUSSIAN FEDERATION 2.85 2.90 ------------------ ---- ---- ROMANIA 2.53 3.42 ------- ---- ---- COLOMBIA 2.37 1.82 -------- ---- ---- UNITED KINGDOM 2.34 3.06 -------------- ---- ---- POLAND 2.31 3.05 ------ ---- ---- CHINA 2.26 2.20 ----- ---- ---- GERMANY 2.17 4.48 ------- ---- ---- ARGENTINA 1.86 1.72 --------- ---- ----

With respect to the cities from which spam was being sent, Seoul was first in the list, followed by Hanoi, New Delhi, Bogota, Sao Paulo and Bangkok. An image of the global ranking can be found here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/panda_security/4457152928/

City Country % ---- ------- --- Seoul KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 4.64 ----- ------------------ ---- Hanoi VIETNAM 3.99 ----- ------- ---- New Delhi INDIA 1.67 --------- ----- ---- Bogota COLOMBIA 1.33 ------ -------- ---- Sao Paulo BRAZIL 1.19 --------- ------ ---- Bombay INDIA 1.13 ------ ----- ---- Bangkok THAILAND 1.08 ------- -------- ---- Bucharest ROMANIA 1.00 --------- ------- ---- Kiev UKRAINE 0.96 ---- ------- ---- Jakarta INDONESIA 0.85 ------- --------- ---- Buenos Aires ARGENTINA 0.84 ------------ --------- ---- Rio De Janeiro BRAZIL 0.84 -------------- ------ ---- Santiago CHILE 0.80 -------- ----- ---- Beijing CHINA 0.67 ------- ----- ---- Lima PERU 0.66 ---- ---- ---- Salvador BRAZIL 0.63 -------- ------ ---- Santo Domingo DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 0.62 ------------- ------------------ ---- Moscow RUSSIAN FEDERATION 0.56 ------ ------------------ ---- Taipei TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA 0.56 ------ ------------------------- ---- Hyderabad INDIA 0.47 --------- ----- ----

Additional graphics depicting specific breakdowns by country can be seen here:

Percent Spam by Country: http://www.flickr.com/photos/panda_security/4456374291/

Percent IP Addresses Sending Spam by Country: http://www.flickr.com/photos/panda_security/4456374291/

For more information, please visit: http://www.pandalabs.com.

About PandaLabs

Since 1990, its mission has been to detect and eliminate new threats as rapidly as possible to offer our clients maximum security. To do so, PandaLabs has an innovative automated system that analyzes and classifies thousands of new samples a day and returns automatic verdicts (malware or goodware). This system is the basis of collective intelligence, Panda Security's new security model which can even detect malware that has evaded other security solutions.

Currently, 99.4 percent of malware detected by PandaLabs is analyzed through this system of collective intelligence. This is complemented through the work of several teams, each specialized in a specific type of malware (viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, phishing, spam, etc), who work 24/7 to provide global coverage. This translates into more secure, simpler and more resource-friendly solutions for clients.

More information is available in the PandaLabs blog: http://www.pandalabs.com.

SOURCE Panda Security

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